University for SDGs: youth and the future toward sustainable development. Venice 2022
This report has examined, in a critical manner, specific social, environmental and economic issues contained in the Goals enunciated by the Agenda2030, arriving at new proposals that aim to accelerate the process toward a more equitable, just and planet-friendly future without neglecting the needs of the different actors involved.Development education is the pillar on which all 17 goals drawn up by the United Nations rest and is the basis from which to build a path that aims at the awareness of each individual. The topics addressed are as follows: sustainability education and human capital formation to ensure a sustainable future; more equitable societies: reducing inequality and gender equality; and energy transition. How individual and corporate choices must change with a view to sustainable development; experimenting and communicating techniques and technologies for circular and low-carbon building interventions on university campuses; digital sustainability-how to reconcile sustainability and innovation; ESG-the jobs of the future; smart and green cities-transportation and sustainable tourism
Convegno 20-21 ottobre 2022 Venezia. (ISBN 979-12-210-3201-7)
University for SDGs: territories and the challenges of ecological transition. Brescia 2023

This report, produced following the event “Territories and the Challenges of Ecological Transition” that took place at the Guido Berlucchi Winery (Borgonato, Brescia) addresses the need to translate the concept of ecological transition into concrete actions and measures. The initiative aimed to reflect on the key points of ecological transition with a focus on the concepts of sustainable agriculture, circular economy, renewable energy, environmental protection and biodiversity.
Ecological transition is a complex process involving various social, temporal, economic and technological aspects. Nowadays it is evident how the energy transition we are pursuing will lead to the emergence of an economy and society characterized by low greenhouse gas emissions, in a trajectory that will involve a major transformation of the economic fabric of industrial processes. The transformations will be the result of a combination of various elements: between the interactions of regulatory plans, individual choices and business decisions that respond, to a large extent, to market signals.
Convegno 1 giugno 2023 Brescia. (ISBN 979-12-210-4073-9)
University for SDGs: People, cities and urban policies.
Milan 2023
This Report, produced as a result of the “People, Cities and Urban Policies” event held in Milan, Italy, on September 29, 2023, brings together considerations, experiences and proposals shared by participants in the initiative on issues related to the United Nations 2030 Agenda (2015) and its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Given the importance of sustainable development in the international, national and local scene, the meeting encouraged the creation of a debate and discussion among multiple stakeholders, including academics, companies, institutions and students, with the ultimate goal of offering young people the opportunity to express their opinions on various issues that cut across the economic, environmental and social dimensions of sustainability. The topics presented within the paper range from sustainable mobility and the quality of urban space in Lombardy's capital city to the relationship between university, study and the professions of the future, as well as from the relationship between health, sustainability and the psycho-physical well-being of young people to sustainable fashion as a winning business strategy and virtuous production model.
Convegno 29 settembre 2023 Milano. (ISBN 979-12-210-4075-3)
University for SDGs: youth and the future toward sustainable development. II Edition
Venice 2023

This Report produced at the end of the event “Youth and the Future: Towards Sustainable Development” (Venice, 2023) encompasses current social, environmental and economic issues relevant to the promotion and realization of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The interventions, testimonies and proposals contained within it specifically provide insights, evidence and reflections with respect to the following topics: sustainable agri-food supply chains and systems, digital sustainability and innovation, consumer participation in business models and the evolution of sustainable finance in supporting renewable energy. The purpose of the publication is to highlight how much the creation of a partnership born from the collaboration between students, universities and various business entities contributes to mobilizing and giving voice to young people with respect to the implementation of Agenda 2030 throughout the Country.
Convegno 20 ottobre 2023 Venezia. (ISBN 979-12-210-4072-2)
University for SDGs: Youth and the Agenda ONU 2030: Sustainability Focus Group. Palermo 2023

The Report “Young People and the UN 2030 Agenda: Sustainability Focus Group” produced following the event held in Palermo, Nov. 24, 2023, explores issues related to environmental, economic and social sustainability, paying particular attention to the role played by young people in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for Sustainable Development, adopted in New York by the United Nations in 2015. The topics presented and discussed among professors, researchers, students and entrepreneurs concern, specifically: alteration of natural habitats, environmental threats of pollution, global warming and loss of biodiversity in the Mediterranean; environmentally friendly and socially responsible production and consumption systems; employment policies and emigration of young people from Southern Italy; immigration and climate change; eco-investments for land development and protection; digitization and automation processes for cleaner energy systems; and measures to combat eco-mafias and environmental crimes.
Convegno 24 novembre 2023 Venezia. ISBN 979-12-210-6395-0